Monday, July 21, 2014

Raising a little man

Nolan:  Mommy will you lay with me a few minutes
Me: sure Buddy
Nolan: No Mommy not like that(me laying next to him).  You have to rest your head right here(pointing at his chest) then I can rub your head and we can snuggle.
Me: aww this is comfy Nolan
Nolan: (poking my nose with his little finger) I know silly willy let me hold you Mommy.
In that moment everything was right in the  world for me.  I know in my heart he will be a good man one day.

Friday, July 18, 2014


The Mommy Diaries...

Just when I think my 3yr old does not retain the the talks I give him.

Nolan: Mommy I got to hold the door 

(two ladies walking through the door)

Nolan: I got it Mommy

Me: aww Nolan your such a gentleman

Nolan: is that respect Mommy?

Me: yes it is Nolan yes it is