Friday, September 5, 2014

Need a shower? No thank you!

So I wake my 3 year old at 1am to go potty.  We are trying to not use the night time pull ups.  He walks into the bath room I help to guide him since I only have a night light on.  He pulls his pants down and faces me NOT the toilet.  I realize he is still asleep and spin him around. Whoa! Crisis diverted...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Raising a little man

Nolan:  Mommy will you lay with me a few minutes
Me: sure Buddy
Nolan: No Mommy not like that(me laying next to him).  You have to rest your head right here(pointing at his chest) then I can rub your head and we can snuggle.
Me: aww this is comfy Nolan
Nolan: (poking my nose with his little finger) I know silly willy let me hold you Mommy.
In that moment everything was right in the  world for me.  I know in my heart he will be a good man one day.

Friday, July 18, 2014


The Mommy Diaries...

Just when I think my 3yr old does not retain the the talks I give him.

Nolan: Mommy I got to hold the door 

(two ladies walking through the door)

Nolan: I got it Mommy

Me: aww Nolan your such a gentleman

Nolan: is that respect Mommy?

Me: yes it is Nolan yes it is

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chicken say what?

So we are watching Chicken Little and Chicken Little is singing "we are the champions".  My son starts singing "We ate the chicken,  we ate the chicken" I was cracking up.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

In your face train!

What's the hardest thing about raising a boy you ask?  Is it being peed on? No.  Is it all the bumps and bruises?  No.  Is it the "mommy I have a present for you" and a spider is handed to you?  No.  It is the dreaded wooden train track.  I swear I have an anxiety attack when he ask me to put it together. I did break a record this time.  I think I got this bad boy put together in 15mins. Without instructions might I add.  Oh yay oh yay. (Happy dance) 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Go away Colic

Well Mr. Nolans colic and acid reflux seems to be getting better.  He now just seems to be a extra cranky baby instead. lol  I  keep praying that he grows out of it soon.  I want to enjoy some time with him before I have to return to work.  I want to be able to just hold him and read a book without the screaming cries.